Following the release of Seekers of Tokane early access, we are implementing a significant change regarding our economy with our latest Amber patch. These changes involve adjustments to the reward loop specifically relating to the distribution of our two off-chain sub-currencies (OKA and TOKE).
OKA is still the sub-currency rewarding players for winning PVP battles.
Nefties with OKAnergy (prime Nefties have 5 okanergy per day):
Earn OKA for winning in Tactics (the amount depends on player ranking, see this article).
Earn OKA for winning in Blitz PvP (150 OKA per win, expected to change with our ranking system rollout).
TOKE will now be used as a sub-currency to reward players for spending $AURY in the shop and Incubator. All players can:
Earn TOKE by hatching prime eggs using the Incubator (400 TOKE per hatch).
Earn TOKE by purchasing crystals in the shop (number of TOKE = USDC price * 10).
As of now, both OKA and TOKE each represent 50% of the weekly $AURY pool. This ratio is subject to change, as well as the opportunities to earn OKA/TOKE. For more details on the weekly $AURY pool, refer to this article.
Players can also earn Crystals, the off-chain currency used for Standard assets (non-NFT). All players can:
Earn Crystals for battling in Blitz PvP (2 crystals for losing, 15 crystals for winning ; expected to change with our ranking system rollout).
Earn Crystals in land gameplay for winning against wild Nefties (30 crystals per win), and by collecting Crystals Plants (between 2 and 6 crystals for each plant).
These adjustments are designed to reward players actively participating in the ecosystem, taking a step further in preventing bots from earning $AURY. We are also providing a form of cashback to players using $AURY in our ecosystem, through TOKE.
For an in depth breakdown of the Amber release, check out the video below featuring our Executive Producer, Johnny and our Gameplay Producer, Yat-Chi who explain it all in further detail!
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